WINK HQ chats about the importance of comp cards and updating portfolios

Comp cards are super important and it is always essential that they are up to date with current photos and measurements. At WINK, we manage the up-keep of our models’ comp cards as well as portfolios always making sure that we illustrate the diversity in the shoots. This means that we constantly change up comp cards and the order of online portfolios whenever the model does a new shoot. Even if you have a keen interest in one type of style, it’s important to broaden your horizons and try out something different to get that versatility in your folio!
When signing up new models, we always make sure that the model has experience and has done at least 5 different shoots. This usually includes lifestyle, underwear/swimwear, fitness and fashion which helps when putting the model forward for work to show their versatility. It is also really important that these images are recent, which is why we meet them first! Our clients are only ever interested in seeing what the model currently looks like, that’s why we always make sure our models update their folios every season (for females) and every 6 months (for males) to ensure the clients know exactly who they are booking.
If you are booking in a shoot and aren’t confident in the style you’ve chosen, it’s a great idea to research the style and look up models who have nailed it in their own shoots. You can then practice in the mirror to boost your confidence all ready for the day! This will also help when it comes time to choose the images for editing. If you arrive confident, the images will reflect this and you will find you have a large pool of great shots to choose from. When selecting your shots, make sure you choose ones that look different to each other. This way you are showing more of what you can do when presenting your folio to an agency or client.

When our models need a portfolio update, we refer them to where they are able to book in a photographer themselves. TR.F also advertises TFP shoots (time for print or test shoots) which can also be a great way to update your shots. But what are the pros and cons of TFPs?
Test shoots are often dictated by the photographer. The only reason a photographer will organise a TFP is solely to gain experience in a certain style of photography or update their own portfolios. This usually means that they aren’t as experienced in that certain style. This can really hinder the outcome of your shots and may decrease the value of your portfolio. This also means that the style of shoot the photographer is shooting may not be what you personally need for your model profile. Having said that, we have personally seen TFP shoots turn out brilliantly and be a great asset in our models’ portfolios.
If you pay for a photographer, you are guaranteed to dictate what style you want and how it will turn out. Experienced photographers will always guide you to make sure the shots turn out great, but ultimtely you can decide how it all looks. You really do pay for what you get in this scenario.