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Peroni x Icebergs Promo Event
The Peroni Capri Beach Club went from the pool to the bar to celebrate the launch of Peroni Nastro Azzurro Stile Capri: the drink of summer, and 15 WINK talent were selected to bring it all to life.
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Model Tips
Talent Booking 101 Tips
Behind every successful model at WINK, is a hard working talent booker.
McDonalds ventures into Breakywear
Our handsome Pete Dickin got to give the new McDonalds sleep wear a try out in their first campaign. These PJ's have got us wanting hash browns from the moment we walk up. McMuffin anyone?
Amy shares her Nepal and India #backyourself journey
WINK's recent #backyourself campaign inspired one of our beautiful models Amy Ruddick to give us insight on her recent trip to Nepal and India. Words by Amy.