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WINK Models for Gloria Jeans Coffee and The Iconic
Our gorgeous and talented Jaimee Crofts, Vanessa P, Samuel C and Rosemarie Annabel Marino for Gloria Jeans Coffee and the Iconic.
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Health, fitness and #WINKFIT with Men’s Health director, Todd Liubinskas
Read about Todd and his health regime. Questions asked by our own, Brooke Morehead and Bianca Villareal .
Promotional work at WINK
Anyone who has experience in pulling off engaging and fun consumer events will probably tell you the same thing. No matter how great a plan looks on paper, on the day, it’s the human touch that often dictates whether it sinks or swims.
Model Tips
WINK HQ take on different types of modelling
WINK HQ took to Facebook Live to chat about the different types of modelling.