An endless summer… with Alison Guberek
Name: Alison Guberek
Nickname: Al
Where are you from? Melbourne
Instagram account: @nightalberlin
Tell us about living half a year In Berlin and half in Australia…/ why?
I originally went to Germany for work in 2008 thinking I would stay for a 3-month contract and 7 years later I’m still there! It’s a dream come true to be able to have endless summers as I absolutely hate the winter so I’m very lucky I have the chance to escape every year when it starts to get cold and go back to Australia and enjoy some time in the sun.
What are the major differences you find living in both countries?
Well from a work perspective it’s really funny because the German clients don’t like you to be very tanned and the makeup artists never use bronzer. It’s all about the white face powder over there! My agency always gets worried when they know I am going back home and they make me promise to stay out of the sun which of course is impossible as firstly I love it and secondly so do the Australian clients! Also, I still get excited about the fact that in Europe you can drive to a different country in just a couple of hours whereas in Australia you can drive forever and you are still in Australia!

What do you miss most when you are in either country?
I have made some of the best friends I have ever had in my whole life since I began traveling so it’s always hard to leave them and, of course, the same goes when it comes time for me to leave my family and friends back home again. Obvious I know, but it’s the truth.
How do you combat your jet lag?
Oh, don’t even go there. I suffer terribly from jet lag. It seems the more I travel the worse it gets so, unfortunately, I have absolutely no wisdom to impart on this subject whatsoever!
Favourite modelling job so far?
The Volkswagen GTi commercial I filmed in 2011. It was such a fun shoot, two days on location just outside Berlin with an amazing team. There was a lot of detail that went into the actual filming, at one point I was strapped into a car seat completely sideways for a particular shot and in another they had to make it look like driving the car gave me goosebumps so they rubbed my arm with a balloon and it make all the hair stand on end… Pretty tricky stuff!

How to you relax?
Relaxing? Hmmm… what’s that? I only have 2 modes. Full power or sleep!
What are you looking forward to this year?
More traveling, more fun with friends and just enjoying this ride we call life. The world is in a pretty dire place at the moment which scares me a little but it also makes me very aware to celebrate the little moments. Doing things you love with the people that you care about the most and trying hard not to sweat the small stuff.
Daily mantra?
You can’t have it all, nobody does.