1 on 1 with Amelia Ryan
Tell us about your business and what you do…
I’m a Performing Artist, Writer, Presenter and Coach, who is uber passionate about living a life of positivity and purpose. After training in Musical Theatre, in 2011 I wrote and produced my first one-woman comedy show, A Storm in a D Cup, which has since gone on to play in New York City, Edinburgh, and throughout Australia’s Cabaret and Festival circuit. In 2015, I wrote Lady Liberty, a follow-up to A Storm In A D Cup, which has since gone on to play Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Ballarat, and is set to tour throughout Australia and across to the UK in 2016. In addition to my creative pursuits, I run a coaching and mentoring business, with a mission to inspire women to liberate their lives.

How did you feel the first time you heard your show won an award?
I was ecstatic- it finally felt like everything was falling into place. After years (and I mean YEARS) of wondering what I was supposed to be doing with my life and how best to utilise my skills, I finally took action and wrote the show (A Storm in a D Cup). To have it receive an award (which was the Sydney Fringe Springboard Prize for Most Promising Performer), was a huge affirmation. It aligned me with two brilliant mentors, and created a domino effect of success. I think a lot of that had to do with confidence- I felt like I was on the right path.
Tell us a bit about your latest show Lady Liberty and where can we see it?
Lady Liberty is a humorous, sassy and rather self-deprecating voyage into the plight for liberation. In an age where we all want to feel better, look better and be ‘better’ – we’re essentially wanting to liberate ourselves. The show explores all the ways in which we do this, and asks the question, what actually makes us feel liberated? Is it through a bottle of Moet or an hour of meditation? Is it though true love or a trip to Las Vegas? Is it through monogamy or ménage et tois? It really speaks to women who want it all and will appeal to anyone who’s ever embarked on the quest for happiness- with all of it’s glorious tumbles and turns. Through my own stories and songs, I encourage the audience to laugh (a lot), let live and of course, be liberated. It’s playing from Jan 20th – 27th at Perth Fringe World, Feb 29th– March 13th at Adelaide Fringe and I’ll be releasing dates for Sydney and Melbourne very soon!

Where do you find your inspiration for your shows?
Plain and simply, through life! Both of my shows are largely autobiographical, but I try and appeal to things that we all go through. A Storm in a D Cup is all about the quest to sort myself out in my twenties (to put in politely), through a myriad of crazy and colourful stories. Lady Liberty is that next stage, where we’ve hit 30, but are still trying to find true happiness and contentment. I let life dish up juicy and entertaining situations and then find a way to draw comic value, and I also really observe what other women are feeling and experiencing in their own lives.
Any particular favourite city/country you have performed in and why?
New York City, because…it’s NEW YORK FREAKING CITY! NYC is the mecca for every performer. The quintessential cream of the crop and the buzz of the city permeates onto the stage. But the best thing about performing in NYC, honestly, was the audiences! They were so warm and generous and supportive. They laughed more than any other audience I’ve had (hopefully for all the right reasons!) and leapt to their feet at the end of the shows. It was truly gratifying- I think there’s something about the arts culture over there that really supports and welcomes artists. Over here, and in the UK, I feel like audiences have a bit more of a ‘what have you got for us’ attitude.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Once you know what you want, and go for it with crystal clear conviction, the universe conspires to support it.
Three words that describe your personality…
Open, engaging, quirky
What can’t you live without?
Cuddles on the couch with my boyfriend (naff, I know!)
Words to live by?
Laugh lots. Love wholly. Be liberated.
What is next for you in 2016?
Touring Lady Liberty through Australia’s cabaret circuit, and if all goes to plan Edinburgh and London as well! And as mentioned, growing my coaching and mentoring business. I love helping women transform their lives and am excited about stepping this element of my business up a notch!