The police officer you do not want to avoid

At home, my nickname is ‘B’. My boyfriend started it and claims that it is short for ‘beautiful’ (cheesy I know) and it just kind of stuck after that. I like to think of it as a reference to my last name. Elsewhere my most common nickname is ‘Popo’. It’s my middle name and also conveniently my second occupation (police officer).

What made you want to join the police force?Growing up, modelling, dancing, acting and singing all came fairly easy for me thanks to some generous genes from mum.
It satisfied my artistic side, but there was another part of me that was less “girlie” and stereotypical. A little crusader, a feminist, a passionate activist, willing to get my hands dirty. I have always had a strong sense of justice and a burning desire to speak up for those who can’t and step in where situations appear unfair. I care a lot about people and have a genuine desire to help. I am a firm believer in kindness. A little bit goes a long way. Being a police officer was the natural progression to satisfy that second part of me.
What do you love about both of your jobs?Modelling is still a part of my life and for that I am blessed. One day I’m wearing a dress and heels and the next I’m in men’s size cargo pants and boots. It really is the best of both worlds and I love it!

What’s the one thing you never leave the house without?
A good old chapstick! I don’t wear makeup day to day if I am not modelling but my one and only cosmetic staple is my trusty lip balm. Cakebatter flavour is my current fave. I usually have several in the bottom of my bag, in my pocket, in the car…
Right now I’m listening to…
Hamish and Andy while cruising to castings. They always make the peak hour enjoyable.
My wardrobe consists of…
Tigerlily and Sass and Bide

I’m obsessed with…
The Ellen DeGeneres show, rose coloured jewellery, foods containing sugar and playsuits
One of my favourite jobs so far has been…
I am incredibly lucky to have two of the most amazing jobs in the world. My favourite jobs as a police officer are the ones where I can save lives. At the end of the day, it is what I do the job for. Last month I was able to resuscitate a male who had tried to end his life. Some weeks later the male contacted me and expressed his gratitude at being given a second chance at living. There is nothing comparable to the feeling of knowing that someone is still wandering the planet today as a direct result of your actions.

Words to live by:
Both of my jobs involve a lot of ‘judging’ and public opinion. It can wear you down emotionally if you don’t have a thick skin. I think a sense of humour and a positive attitude is the key to a happy life. I tend to live by the words of Dr Seuss, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
What will we find you doing this spring?
Counting down to Summer!!!

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