Which safety protocols should producers implement at a photoshoot during COVID?
At time of publishing this blog, it is still possible to conduct professional photoshoots in all states and territories in Australia. It is important to maintain the lowest risk of COVID transmission possible at all times, including while on set.
You should always consult the most up to date government rules and regulations via the government website for your specific circumstance.
Here is a guide on how some of our clients have been implementing safety measures on set during photographic shoots based on current government guidelines.
Skeleton Crew
Operate with a small crew. Only members who are vital should be on set. Crew and cast not involved in specific shots to remain in isolated areas during those shots. Crew and cast not involved in specific shots to remain in isolated areas during those shots and set-ups. Smaller shoots should be limited to just the photographer and model whenever possible.
Suppliers, account service, or other creatives should not be present physically at the shoot if there is not a suitable place to isolate off-set. Use Facetime or other technology to receive input if necessary.

Get waivers signed
All cast and crew should fill out a waiver before arriving to set form outlining overseas travel, contact with other people, and agreement to practice social distancing. We have created a template for you.
Download a sample waiver here
Remain socially distant
All cast and crew numbers should abide by the one person per four square meters rule. Retain a 2m distance from each other where possible.
Hair and Makeup
Models are able to arrive to set with their hair and makeup already done. Brief the agency or model on how this should be done using a description of final look with an attached mood board.

Hygene practices
Gloves and masks to be worn by crew.
Any catering to be individually packed – not shared.
Encourage regular handwashing
Regularly wipe down surfaces with anti-bacterial products (every hour or sDisinfect studio/location after use.
Install hand sanitisers at set entrance.
Implement compulsory hand washing for all crew, cast and clients on arrival, before and after meals and toilet breaks.
Ensure tissues and hand wipes are available on set.
Encourage people to bring their own personal water bottles labelled with their name.
Any crew or staff member who is displaying symptoms is to be removed from set / stay home.
We understand that some shoots need to be postponed during this period and we are here to help if that is required. For brands still shooting, we hope that this guide helps provide you some steps to take to ensure safety for all team members on set. With proactive steps and appropriate planning, shoots can continue as required.
If you have any questions or would like more information, email [email protected] or call 02 8005 4388.