Presenting… Brittany Bloomer
The best thing about your job is…
Travelling the world, meeting new people and continually learning new things about myself and others around me.
Tell us about one of the highlights of your career
One of my highlights to date would definitely be reporting for Fox Sports Australia. There’s nothing more exciting than seeing your head on a television screen!
Do you have any funny/exciting/memorable interviews/stories?
When I worked in Korea for an International Pageant, one of the interviews I had to do was with a Korean who didn’t speak a word of English. It was easily one of the most challenging interviews I have done. There was lots of nodding and random laughing on my behalf to try play off the language barrier.

Who has been your favourite person to interview so far?
I have been fortunate to interview lots of celebrities through my TV presenting role, however, my favourite interview isn’t your stereotypical red carpet celebrity, he is an animal welfare activist called Tim Vasudeva. He was, in fact, the first person I ever interviewed and was the reason why I got involved with Animal Welfare. The interview was very educational, discussing the importance of adopting pets, the reason why so many animals end up on death row and how we can fix it. I walked away from that interview motivated to make a difference!
Tell us about the project you are working on, Pound Paws.
Pound Paws is a charity I founded in 2014 which re-homes dogs and cats in Australian pounds. I have been involved with Animal Welfare for the past five years. After finding out that over 250,000 cats and dogs face death row per year in Australia, I decided to take action on it. One of the platforms which my charity operates on is an online website which allows the Australian public to search for pets available for adoption in pounds all over Australia. The search engine allows users to filter by; breed, age, size, lifestyle match – which ultimately makes the adoption process a lot easier. The aim of this charity is to not only reduce the amount of cats and dogs on death row but to also educate the Australian public on the importance of choosing to adopt instead of shop.

Three words that describe your personality…
I had to ask my friend to help me out with this one and she said; Bubbly, Modest and Outgoing.
When you are not working you are…
Visiting pounds and photographing the latest dog / cat surrenders or going on spontaneous adventures with my friends.
How do you relax?
Whenever I get a chance to relax I head to a secluded beach with my sausage dog Hansel and catch up on reading / sunbake. The best way to relax is when you get away from your phone.
Words to live by?
Think happy thoughts and you’ll attract happy things!

Instagram: @brittbloomer