When giving back feels so good: Wharf 4 Ward
‘You Can’ supports youth’s who are diagnosed with Cancer. Not typically something attributed to the healthy youth of Australia, Cancer affects as many as 100 youths in Australia every year.
‘You Can’ is a joint initiative of Sony Foundation and CanTeen to support young people who have been affected by cancer. Currently in Australia, cancer treatment is divided into two age groups; paediatric or children’s cancer care, and adult cancer care. In most Australian States and Territories, the arbitrary dividing line is a patient’s 16th birthday, from which point cancer patients are treated in the adult health care sector.
Shockingly, in Australia the chance of surviving certain cancers decreases by 50% the day you turn 16. This can be attributed to the lack of age specific treatment and support for teenagers and young adults. Young people are at a unique developmental stage and a cancer diagnosis can have significant long-term psychological and social effects. Support services like psychology, social work, and vocational support need to be developed to address the specific needs of this age group and minimise the long-term effects of a cancer diagnosis.
On behalf of young people living with cancer, the longer term aim of ‘You Can’ is to fund the establishment of youth cancer centres throughout the country. These centres will address the lack of improvement in cancer survival rates by providing a focus for medical collaboration amongst medical professionals, facilitating the development of clinical trials, encouraging specialist traing and allowing for the delivery of a psychosocial support service equipped to deal with the issues specific to this age group.

Our beautiful models got to take part in the day representing Heineken and Jets Swimwear with a Bond Style fashion parade with singer Nathaniel.
Check out the incredible video below that shows all those that gave their time and donations to this incredible cause.