
The importance of DIGIS

In a day and age where peoples appearances can change with the wind (hello Kim K), we need to make sure that we keep natural, up to date photos of our models on file. These are referred to as Digis (aka digitals). They’re simple, natural and un-retouched (can you hear most regular people running for the woods?) but we’re lucky enough to work with absolute natural beauties. We’re also pretty lucky to have some uber talented in-house photographers (Elysia Vickas in Sydney and Jasmina Basic in Melbourne) to shoot them for us! Check out some of our babes recent digis! We’ve also thrown in some digis of our favourite Victoria Secret Angels (Rosie, Candice and Miranda, you absolute babes!) just so you can see that everyone in the biz is equal when it comes to digis.

Head Office

  • 85 William Street
  • Darlinghurst
  • NSW 2010, Australia

  • +61 (2) 8005 4388
  • [email protected]