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Catwalk Model
Catwalk models for charity event, The Fashion Advocate Runway, for VAMFF 2017
Take a look at some of the stunning Melbourne designers on our models this year at VAMFF!
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SS. Mothership Amy Hibbard ‘Industrial Revolution’ with Rachel Kim Cross
Rachel has graced Sticks & Stones with another amazing shoot titled "Industrial Revolution'. We are loving the simple makeup styled with high end fashion as Rachel rocks the camera!
Model DJ
Meet WINK Model and Perth DJ, Patrick Middleton!
We love when our models are also super talented in other fields, especially when it comes to music! Meet Patrick Middleton, our WINK DJ from Perth.
Presenting… Brittany Bloomer
NSW welcomes International TV Presenter Brittany Bloomer to the team. We sat down to hear about some of the highlights in her TV career and learn more about a project close to her heart.