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WINK girls at River4Ward
Our models graced the 2016 Sony Foundation River4Ward event held along the Crown Riverwalk to support You Can youth cancer centres around Australia.
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Bras N Things: At-Home Content Creation Success Story
The content team at Bras N Things needed library of images for use across their socials and EDMs so they came to WINK for at-home content creation
Models’ beauty regime with Amy
Most of us are subjected to bad skin at some point in our lives but models always seem to know how to keep their skin under control. So perhaps out of curiosity or just plain envy, we sat down with Amy Sheridan from Melbourne to find their beauty secrets and how they keep their skin looking so clear.
We're giving you an exclusive insight in to what it's like to be one of the models taking part in Melbourne Fashion Week 2018. We chatted to model and next big thing, Jeffrey Kissubi about what it's like to be a model in the MFW shows.