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Mens Fashion
The Complete Guide to Men’s Blazers: All You Need to Know
Written by marketing professional from mens' fashion brand, Ivette.
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Catwalk Model
4 things every successful catwalk model has in common
WINK Models explores what every successful catwalk model has in common, from professionalism to health. Find out more on our website.
Woke Washing and The Perils of Tokenistic Engagement
Advice for brands wanting to overhaul their image to be more inclusive, and how to avoid woke-washing
Model Tips
Need to book a model at the last minute?
Need to book a model at the last minute? No, you don’t need to trawl Instagram for hours messaging self-represented models hoping to hear back. You don’t need to spend hours on the phone to various agents around town, explaining your brief over and over again. WINK has your back, as well as a solution to booking a model in last minute.