Modelling Agency

WINK Melbourne get together for a Winter Warmer

Nick Thorogood was kind enough to take us all through the right fitness regimes to suit our bodies and goals, and even threw in some free yoga classes with Yoga XTC!

Ali from Alimentary had everyone asking questions about nutrition as she laid it all out plainly for us. I think we all learnt a lesson about fueling our bodies correctly and what we should eating the most of. Get into those veggies guys!

Caitlin from Caitlin May Photography had some especially helpful tips when it comes to photoshoots and liasing with photographers. She pointed out flaterring postures and poses to nail those shots every time!

Louisa Scott from The Diamond Boss had everyone absolutely engaged in her talk on personal coaching and reaching our goals. She has us all really thinking about our specific goals, which now seem easier to reach!

A big thank you to all our speakers and talent who took the time out of their morning to engage in a great discussion over coffee and cake. We hope you all felt empowered to continue being the amazing people you are!

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  • Darlinghurst
  • NSW 2010, Australia

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