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Carly Gordon, our Melbourne Monarch
Introducing, to those who don't know her, Carly Gordon of WINK Melbourne. Carly is a self-expressed Melb-aholic who has made her mark in the blogging industry. We were curious about Carly's Melbourne life so decided to ask her a few questions...
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Promotional work at WINK
Anyone who has experience in pulling off engaging and fun consumer events will probably tell you the same thing. No matter how great a plan looks on paper, on the day, it’s the human touch that often dictates whether it sinks or swims.
WINK’s #BackYourself
WINK Models are getting into gear to promote positive body image and confidence in women all over Australia. Join the movement, #BackYourself is back for another year!
WINK Attacks Melbourne: The Video
Check out Amy Sheridan representing WINK in our very own video.