Fitness model, Amy Benn, takes home the INBA Championships
It is no surprise that WINK model, Amy Benn, continues to inspire all of us at WINK HQ. It is also no surprise to us that she has recently taken home first place in the International Natural Body Building Association (INBA) Victorian Championships in the Swim Model category, as well as second place for Sports Model!
Here is her message;
“To encourage every single individual on their health and fitness journey. To reach for the stars, and work hard. There is no greater feeling of blowing your own mind by achieving things you never thought you could.
The beauty about health and fitness goals, is that improving your health gives you a better quality of life and helps you live longer!”

Amy has come a very long way and her acheivements are absolutely impleccable. As a teenager, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease which left her weak and unable to participate in normal activities that regaular teenagers do.
However, she decided to make a change and take control over her life and her health. Amy signed up to nutritional courses, started training in the gym and eating better. Soon she decided to start competing and get into being a fitness model, (which is how we found her!) These changes have led her to become a happy and healthy award winner!
How does she do it?
“My preparation involves mostly weight based training with minimal cardio. I incorporate yoga, stretching and walks or runs in nature because I love it. I believe in a holistic approach to health and well-being. Yes I work really hard and I am disciplined. I got to the stage by following a structured weight based program, and my Amy Benn 12 Week Transformation Program which promotes plenty of whole foods, unlimited vegies and extra calories around my training.”

“I was so happy to defend my title and take out the Swimwear Category, and place 2ndin Sports Model category. But the real win, was having all my hard work paid off just by stepping on stage.”
We can’t wait to see what the future holds for her!
If you are interested in transforming your life as well, get in touch with Amy via her website and engage in her personal training services.
As well as being an absolute winner for INBA, she is also their official media reporter. Stay tuned for her article coming out soon in IRONMAN magazine.
Read more below, thanks to Oxygen Magazine.