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Welcome aboard Portia!
We are delighted to have Portia Kentish on board the WINK train! Read all about the VIC youth below...
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WINK Melbourne get together for a Winter Warmer
We had a fantastic morning celebrating al things Melbourne and WINK with our fab models plus some very special speakers!
How Much Does It Cost to Book an Influencer?
In today’s digital world, one of the most effective ways of reaching and connecting with your target audience is through influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is when a company/brand partners with an individual to shape and drive consumer behaviour. Typically, the individual is a popular person in the industry, who is trusted by the target market, and can influence consumers to engage and use a brand’s product or service.
Carly Gordon, our Melbourne Monarch
Introducing, to those who don't know her, Carly Gordon of WINK Melbourne. Carly is a self-expressed Melb-aholic who has made her mark in the blogging industry. We were curious about Carly's Melbourne life so decided to ask her a few questions...