Simone Turner and her side hustles!
Simone Turner is not only a Marketing Coordinator AND an independent Arbonne consultant, but she is also a part time model with WINK! Simone was interviewed by women’s lifestyle publication SHE DEFINED and here’s what she had to say;

Day job: Marketing coordinator
Side hustle: Independent consultant with cosmetics company Arbonne
What is Arbonne?
Arbonne is about transforming lives, health and skin, and it was started over 35 years ago by Norwegian entrepreneur Petter Mørck. All the products are plant-based and made up of pure, safe ingredients that have incredible benefits for the skin. What I love most is that Arbonne products are not tested on animals, contain no animal products or by-products, so they’re vegan certified.
How did you get involved in Arbonne?
While Arbonne is the company, I have my own business within that brand as a consultant, where I sell their products to clients that I source myself and also introduce the same business opportunity to others. I don’t have to pay staff and all my marketing material is done for me. All I knew was I had to “learn as I went along”, and that I have!
Why was it important to you to work with Arbonne?
I’d always wanted my own business, but I never knew exactly what that would be. While there were many other companies out there, I knew straight away that Arbonne was the one for me – even if it didn’t come in the package I was expecting.
I loved the fact that products were consumable (people always needs refills), and the health and wellbeing industry is booming, so I knew it was a win-win business opportunity.
I’m also passionate about what Arbonne stands for. I love that the company gives back to charities, while allowing consultants to give back to causes they’re passionate about.
How do you juggle your full time job with running a side business?
I definitely have to be disciplined to run my own business, and that is something I still find challenging.
Working full time means that you have to make your side business work in the nooks and crannies. It’s about using the time I allocate wisely and working out what I can do in those moments.
It is also about consistently working towards your goals, but not constantly.

What have been your biggest challenges with starting a side business?
Believing in myself and knowing that I’m good enough. When I first started the business, I had so many doubts and just couldn’t see how I could move past them. Now I know anything is possible and it’s all a decision, but I still need to remind myself.
Calling people is also challenging. Mainly, I think this is a fear of rejection, and in this case, I just feel the fear and do it anyway.
You can feel like an alien among others. When you’re around other consultants you totally feel at home, but when you’re among colleagues, friends or family who are not doing Arbonne, it can feel quite isolating. I conquer this one with daily affirmations.
What are some of the benefits of starting a side hustle while maintaining a full time job?
Having a monthly income that you can put towards savings, mortgage and bills is a huge benefit. And as you’re growing your business bigger each month, you still have the income from a stable job.
It also allows you to have a backup plan, which gives you the security of an extra income if anything happens. I was unexpectedly made redundant from my full time job earlier this year but could continue working on my business with Arbonne while I looked for a new job.
What advice do you have for other women who want to start a business while maintaining a full time job?
My biggest advice is to stop waiting until you are ready because you never will be. There may be a better time in one’s life, but if you’re waiting for the perfect time such as “when work settles down a bit” or “once my child is at school”, then I say definitely don’t.
There are plenty of women in Arbonne who run their business alongside their full time or part-time job, some with children and some not, and they have made it work.
Read all about SHE DEFINED here!